there are so many darn products in the world that are mass-produced in order to keep up with demand and keep costs low… but that means we all have the same stuff. same white swedish bookshelf, same iPhone, same samey samerson. Loose Joints looks at the idea of using a modular system that can be …

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a big part of woensel west is being demolished to create space for new development, we decided to save the memory of this area  by recreating the typical folk houses in miniature (as birdhouses.)

parasitic living, using existing structures and minimal materials to create comfortable urban shelters

poster to attract and inform people about a workshop which they can take part in, to help design new visible and welcoming beacons for ijlst. More than 200 residents of ijlst made their contribution to the design of the new ‘beacons’ of IJlst. more info –>

identity for film and animation studio pickle, inspired by early photography’s  three-colour process, a method we still use today to create full colour images.